onLoop launches at SXSW with its subject-based take on social messaging
A Q&A with onLoop co-founder and CEO AK Sands. The Los Angeles-based messaging startup launched out of beta at the South by Southwest 2015 show...
A Q&A with onLoop co-founder and CEO AK Sands. The Los Angeles-based messaging startup launched out of beta at the South by Southwest 2015 show...
A Q&A with Altocloud CEO Barry O’Sullivan. The Mountain View, California-based startup, which has built a predictive analytics platform for...
COMPANY: Proximity ELEVATOR PITCH Proximity helps you chat and locate your friends off the grid—no Wi-Fi or cell reception...
COMPANY: Get Reference ELEVATOR PITCH Goodbye paper, hello paperless employment references. PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION Get Reference is...
COMPANY: MetaChi ELEVATOR PITCH Team task management and collaboration. PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION MetaChi is a place where task...
By TIM NICHOLS, EXACTDRIVE CO-FOUNDER ELEVATOR PITCH ExactDrive designed and developed its media buying platform to provide small- to mid-size ad...
A Q&A with Culture Amp co-founder and CEO Didier Elzinga. The Melbourne, Australia-based startup, which has built a human resources survey...
By CHRISTOPHER SMOLINSKI, LUMILABS CO-FOUNDER ELEVATOR PITCH LumiLabs creates vibrant illuminated works for style and for...
By BRIAN PALLAS, OPPORTUNITY NETWORK FOUNDER AND CEO ELEVATOR PITCH Opportunity Network is an online membership network that helps companies...
COMPANY: Worksfire ELEVATOR PITCH Get more done today. Together. PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION Worksfire combines project management,...
COMPANY: SketchBox ELEVATOR PITCH Monthly subscription box for art and art supplies. PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION SketchBox was created...
A Q&A with Accomplice president and Chief Data Scientist Brian Lewis. The San Francisco-based integrated digital marketing startup announced at...