Featured Startup Pitch: Loffles—Armed with 500K in seed money, Loffles seeks to bring real legitimacy to online sweepstakes and prize marketing
Company: Loffles Website: Founder: Brandon YoshimuraHeadquarters: Providence, Rhode IslandYear...
Entrepreneur Narratives: How [Skiddy von Stade and Brin McCagg, OneWire] Did It
Editor’s Note: This is a new Q&A series from StartUp Beat that features entrepreneurs who have successfully guided their startups (or...
Featured Startup Pitch: ADmantX—Taking online ad targeting to a new level (without cookies)
Company: ADmantXWebsite: Headquarters: Hartford, CTYear Founded: 2010Employees: 12Investors: Atlante Ventures...
Q&A with Virsto co-founder and CEO Mark Davis
Virsto offers cost-effective and efficient storage for virtualized environments (servers and desktops). The company recently closed a $12 million...
Entrepreneur Narratives: How [Siamak Taghaddos, Grasshopper] Did It
Editor’s Note: This is a new Q&A series from StartUp Beat that features entrepreneurs who have successfully guided their startups (or...
Featured Startup Pitch: Red Foundry—A team with deep technology experience brings a powerful and cost-effective mobile apps development platform to market
Company: Red FoundryWebsite: www.redfoundry.comFounders: Jim Heising, CEO, and Ron Franczyk, Chief Software Architect, Andrew...