Students around the world have the time and energy to engage in a plethora of constructive activities, industries and hobbies to help them flourish. Unfortunately, a lot of that potential goes to waste due to lack of support and/or opportunity.
Goodwall is aiming to change that by encouraging young people to achieve their aspirations in a friendly and supportive social media platform. The initiative is aimed at pre-university students and focuses on teens’ non-academic activities.
Students can use the platform to share their extra-curricular achievements and connect with others who share the same interests and industry icons. The hope is that the platform can use some of the nearly six hours that students spend a day on social media to enhance equality of opportunity.
“With Goodwall, we aim to remove chance and privilege from the equation and provide every student with the opportunity to succeed in life”, states the company’s homepage. Said opportunities are not only beneficial for students who are unaware of opportunities available to them, but also for those who are less-fortunate and would have no chance at them otherwise.

Taha Bawa, CEO of Goodwall
Goodwall also helps universities and institutions scout students from around the world who are fitting candidates for their scholarship programs. “Goodwall is a social community for young people to connect and get recognition for their talents and achievements. This recognition comes not only from universities, but also from scholarship and other opportunity providers,” said Taha Bawa, Co-founder and CEO of Goodwall during an interview with Forbes.
A case study displayed on Goodwall`s homepage, shows how the University of Kent, one of the UK’s leading universities, with the help of Goodwall reached students from 135 countries, resulting in over 4,000 new international students enrolling. Goodwall combined fast outreach and global visibility with the university`s great reputation to attract students from all corners of the globe.
As girls from developing countries are some of the most disadvantaged in terms of educational opportunities, Goodwall is now collaborating with Womanity. The collaborative campaign comes in the form of a competition for girls with outstanding skills in the Middle East and North Africa. Prizes for the competition include a year-long scholarship at one of the most prestigious boarding schools in the Middle East, and $5,000 for the runner up, as well as, 12 laptops for the worthy competitors.