Pizza, ice cream, puppies, and music. There is not a single person on the planet (including lactose intolerants) who can honestly claim they don’t like at least 1 of the 4. Across cultures, the music and entertainment medias are booming, with projected increases in spending from $1.7 trillion in 2016 to over $2 trillion in 2019. Yet despite their popularity, the industry remains difficult for artists.
Estimates gauge that creators loos over 30%-75% of profits when publishing with Amazon, and 30% when selling tracks on iTunes, but pay rates are anything but straightforward, with artists forced to negotiate deals with distribution companies based on very little transparent information.

DECENT team at the Venture Capital & Private Equity conference in Dublin
“The majority of the power is concentrated in the hands of a few players controlling the industry. Artists, filmmakers and writers lose control over their work and depend on the mercy of ‘the big guys,’” said CEO and Founder of DECENT, Matej Michalko.
Michalko’s company DECENT is an innovative repackaging of digital media sharing specifically designed to solve the biggest pain points for artists. Transparency and fairness. They hope to accomplish this by utilizing blockchain technology and their own cryptocurrency DCT.
“We designed DECENT Network to do away with all that and bring more transparency and fairness to the digital content industry,” added Michalko.
The DECENT Network will allow artists to efficiently distribute any form of content, including written, music, videos, ebook and pictures. The distribution does not rely on third parties meaning that artists will also manage their IP rights and pricing themselves.
The revolutionary decentralized and secure digital media sharing platform handing control back to media creators without compromising speed or security. The blockchain eliminates waiting periods for payments, and the entire service is offered free of charge for artists and users, eliminating middle man fees. Artists are allowed to manage their own pricing and content is published and bought on a peer-to-peer principle.