By Editor February 24, 2014

Animated digital campaign created to help promote feature film and inspire Russia’s next entrepreneurial stars

Are you a Ghostbuster or a Superman?  Will you be better suited to running a business that deciphers animal noises or a teddy bear massage parlor?

These are the type of questions and suggestions the ‘Your Future Startup’ test makes of those willing to delve into the deepest recesses of their entrepreneurial psyche.

Devised by Hungry Boys in order to promote the forthcoming feature film ‘Startup,’ the creative agency has conceived an online test which seeks to match participants’ profiles with potential business ventures; with some rather bizarre results.

Vlad Sitnikov, creative director, Hungry Boys, says: “Innovative businesses and startups are popping up at a crazy rate in Russia.  Our social media profile is a ‘startup’ and everyone has it within themselves to become the next big startup.  Our challenge was to raise awareness of the movie amongst its target audience, the hipster fraternity.    We simply married the two ideas in a fun and engaging way to help promote the movie and simultaneously encourage entrepreneurial spirit.”

He adds: “This project will show the youth that there is a great demand for intellectual labolaborthis country. There is an immense opportunity to create wealth in an honest manner. By taking the test and coming to see the film, we aim to inspire a whole new generation of business leaders. ”

By analyzing users’ social media profiles and the answers to a series of questions ranging from educational background to ‘geek status’ via aversion to risk and profit expectations, entrants are presented with an ideal startup scenario based on their entrepreneurial makeup.  Results can be shared on Facebook, VK and Odnoklassniki.

It all begs the question whether or not it is actually possible to devise a test that is able to determine if a person has got what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur, and what sort of business they would be best suited to launching.

Your Future Startup has been devised to support the release of the forthcoming Russian movie, ‘Startup,’ due out in cinemas on the 3rd April 2014.  It is loosely based on Yandex, arguably Russia’s most successful startup and largest search engine.  The plot centres around the burgeoning startup scene in Russia from the early 90s until now.

Client:  Danais Films

Producer:  Irina Smolko

Agency:  Hungry Boys

Creative Director: Vlad Sitnikov

Copywriter:  Natalia Varguleva

Illustrator: Ekaterina Semenova

Design:  Ekaterina Semenova, Sergey Andronov, Alexey Nikolaev

Programming:  Studio Peppers

Producer: Nadeja Golubstova


About Hungry Boys
Founded in 2012 and part of WPP, Hungry Boys, is a Moscow based, multi-award winning creative agency with a digital heart.  Our mission is to craft demand for Russian thinking.  We try to do good advertising.

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