Featured Startup Pitch: Earlycard – Send personalized greeting cards on time, every time
COMPANY: Earlycard ELEVATOR PITCH Scheduled greeting card delivery app. PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION Think back to a time where you found...
COMPANY: Earlycard ELEVATOR PITCH Scheduled greeting card delivery app. PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION Think back to a time where you found...
“The world's only affordable, easy heatmap plus analytics tool.” https://youtu.be/TSo9cd9vNL8 HEADQUARTERS: Beijing, China WEBSITE:...
ELEVATOR PITCH hide.me VPN provides anonymity and security for the online age, with the fastest connection protecting user privacy, and enabling...
The rise of big data, business intelligence and analytics tools of all types are creating incredible strategic new options for modern day startups....
New York, NY - Tiggly, the award-winning makers of tablet smart toys for preschoolers, and Sesame Workshop have partnered to develop an exciting new...
London, 26th November 2015 – Apps World London once again proved to be a resounding success as it brought together the movers and shakers of the...
Aussies waste 68 Million hours at Christmas trying to find stores that sell what they want 26 November 2015 - Booodl, the smart local shopping...
Cheltenham, 26th November 2015 - Some 16 years after selling his first Internet startup, serial entrepreneur Tim Hammond is backing the UK’s first...
“Light the spark of curiosity in children.” https://youtu.be/H9qMP-6T6B0 HEADQUARTERS: London WEBSITE: petitademas.com YEAR...
In the evening of November 21,2015, at the annual meeting “Startup Nations Summit 2015” that connects worldwide entrepreneurs, innovators and...
Standard Access took Gold in the Tech category at the 2015 Bank Of Ireland Startup Awards which took place on Thursday 12th November in Croke Park,...
COMPANY: SHARPND ELEVATOR PITCH An on-demand men's tailoring service in New York. PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION SHARPND combines the...