This startup uses blockchain to decentralize credit scoring
One of the virtues of the tech industry is not necessarily its ability to “innovate”—that does not really mean anything in and of itself....
One of the virtues of the tech industry is not necessarily its ability to “innovate”—that does not really mean anything in and of itself....
Next year's SXSW Accelerator Pitch Event will showcase over 140 advisory board thought leaders specializing in technology startups from around the...
Nobody enjoys keeping track of their finances but it’s just something that responsible adults actually need to do if they’re going to continue...
In 2016 the global travel and tourism industry reached a value of $7.6 trillion. Unsurprisingly, many startups have been trying to find out how they...
I-Fourth, a multicultural startup at the heart of the Colombian Andes, is developing a single technological solution for several of the world’s...
Recently, chatbots have been getting a lot of attention about how they can help businesses with various customer-facing tasks -- particularly,...
Amazon, in a bid to dominate the retail food industry, has slashed prices by up to 43 percent across its recently acquired Whole Foods grocery...
The legal marijuana industry is expected to expand to nearly $8 billion by 2020, meanwhile the industry is in a nervous place. (more…)...
On any given day, the average person is lied to between 10 and 200 times, according to deception detecting expert Pamela Meyer. As is the case...
Back in 2013, as I sat looking for a job for the upcoming summer, I asked myself the question: What interests me? Of my responses, two stood out:...
Before the inception of fundraising sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo, bringing an idea to life required an immense amount of work. Now the process...
At the age of 22, I was living in one of the UK’s most bustling cities, enrolled in the increasingly successful Business Accelerator...